Garden Bouquet


Be an owner of this original traditional watercolor painting printed on high quality 9x12 watercolor paper! Each print is signed by me (the artist), titled, and dated with the day the art was originally made. Hang this piece anywhere you want to have a nice little view of botanical beauty brought to you by the wonderful state of Oregon.

Delighting in the captivating beauty of my own flower garden, I've painted this watercolor bouquet to cherish the blooms that I nurture with love. Each stroke reveals the vibrant hues and graceful petals, capturing the essence of my personal oasis. Let these blossoms brighten your day and inspire you to find joy in cultivating your own slice of heaven.

*Frame not included

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Be an owner of this original traditional watercolor painting printed on high quality 9x12 watercolor paper! Each print is signed by me (the artist), titled, and dated with the day the art was originally made. Hang this piece anywhere you want to have a nice little view of botanical beauty brought to you by the wonderful state of Oregon.

Delighting in the captivating beauty of my own flower garden, I've painted this watercolor bouquet to cherish the blooms that I nurture with love. Each stroke reveals the vibrant hues and graceful petals, capturing the essence of my personal oasis. Let these blossoms brighten your day and inspire you to find joy in cultivating your own slice of heaven.

*Frame not included

Be an owner of this original traditional watercolor painting printed on high quality 9x12 watercolor paper! Each print is signed by me (the artist), titled, and dated with the day the art was originally made. Hang this piece anywhere you want to have a nice little view of botanical beauty brought to you by the wonderful state of Oregon.

Delighting in the captivating beauty of my own flower garden, I've painted this watercolor bouquet to cherish the blooms that I nurture with love. Each stroke reveals the vibrant hues and graceful petals, capturing the essence of my personal oasis. Let these blossoms brighten your day and inspire you to find joy in cultivating your own slice of heaven.

*Frame not included

Bride of Frankenstein
Dreams of Clouds
Daffodils II
I Believe
Princess and the Pea